Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Heit's Kamp says something....FINALLY

UMMMM, I hate to ask the DEM-NPL party this but....what was the other exciting news I missed? Don't get me wrong Pam Gulleson did get me excited but that was after I was told a little bit about past and googled her. THIS IS THE NEWS THAT NORTH DAKOTA DEMOCRATS HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR.

The clouds have separated and down has floated the messiah of liberal beings in this state. Heitkamp is one of a couple of democratic legacies (one of which being the Schneiders) who we as liberal but stock into breaking through to victory. Except for the fact that Jasper and Mac are in political marinade - soaking in liberal energy, intelligence, and experience that will make them more formidable candidates than they already are. I mean who could forget that completely adorable picture of Japser in a wheat field? I voted for him.

Having Heidi Heitkamp at the top of the ticket is what many view as the only hinging hope for democrats in this state. Even in the most bleeding blue moments in this nation (2006 and 2008) democrats haven't been elected with the ease that their counterparts have in other states...or at all. And not to mention that in 2010, the plague which almost completely obliterated every democrat running. Including my a couple of my favorites (JoNell Bakke, Bob Thorne, Louis Pinkerton, Ben Vig, and Lisa Wolf)  - such a shame.

So hitting the field for the democrats (tentatively and hopefully) would be Heitkamp (Senate), Gulleson (Congress), and Taylor (Governor...maybe). That's as strong of a ticket as the democrats are going to see, so if democrats believe in prayer - they better get to going now...and if they don't - they better start.

Other offices that are up for election this cycle are:

Auditor - Who a very qualified democrat named Daryl Splichal lost to a very unqualified Bob Peterson last election.

Treasurer - Anyone could do this job as Republican and only female member of higher elected off in this state has routed all of her duties to the legislature....as result of the very micromanaging republican controlled legislature and her lazy self. Can I start cranking the rumor mill or maybe the curiosity mill and say that the recently elected party treasurer and former candidate for Fargo Commission - Melissa Sobolik would be a nice addition to this female empowering ticket. Sobolik made very impressive splashes in her first go about in elected politics. She remains active, engaged, relatable, and visible although she was not elected.

Insurance Commissioner - Now this one in 2008 was a heart breaker. I mean COME ON...WHEAT FIELD! No but seriously, Jasper Schneider campaigned his political a*s off and Adam Hamm did jack nothing and still won. Barely, with less than a percentage point. So does this mean that Hamm is the most vulnerable republican candidate for statewide office...or was Schneider that damn good? I say both.

Public Service Commissioner - All I have to say is poor Cheryl Bergain. Maybe third time is a charm? She would be an excellent commissioner, but can't seem to catch a break.

Superintendent of Public Instruction - Now this position is supposed to be nonpartisan and by logistical nature is but current sitting Superintendent Wayne Sanstead by no secret is a democrat and has appeared on campaign literature in the past. In 2008, rumor has it that this was his last term. Does that mean that fellow liberal and challenger in 2008 Max Laird will take another stab at the ticket? Or Sanstead was very personable with former District 3 Democrat and educator Lisa Wolf and has her begged for the spot. Laird has the name recognition but I believe that Lisa Wolf would be awesome.

All this election talk has me excited for 2012, it will be a tough year for democrats but if they solidify a strong ticket with equally strong staff I believe we can turn some those reds to blues. These names aren't even confirmed and some aren't even rumored, just a couple of my thoughts and opinions. Additionally, these names don't mention some names of those that were ousted in 2010 that could be good candidates like mighty mouse Ben Vig.

Only time will tell, but these people need to hurry. I don't care what anyone says, democrats need a head start on republicans and there is no time like the present. They are now saying if we stick, we'll win. FALSE - if you work your a*s off you may have a pretty good shot.

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