Tuesday, October 11, 2011

“You throw the sand against the wind . And the wind blows it back again....again.....again....and AGAIN?!? (Seriously)

Of course the famous quote from William Blake actually reads:

“You throw the sand against the wind. And the wind blows it back again.” Much more beautiful being in that context than the one that I am referring to. Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to (for the forth time) candidate Duane Sand. Duane Sand has decided to take on the man who did something he could never do....defeat Earl Pomeroy. In looking at Duane Sand's website www.nochanceinhell.com (kidding, google it..) the three time runner up wastes no time not only bashing President Obama but Rick Berg as well. That makes me like him a little bit more than the average republican....but then I slap myself and regain an intelligent mindset.

Republicans and Democrats across the state have released a unison "huh?" and there may be one thing that we both can agree on....this guy doesn't stand a chance. I mean even on his wikipedia page, the first paragraph outlines his political stumbles.

And wikipedia is smart enough to recognize that Duane Sand not notable or reliable. So they put a disclaimer on the page. (I know that's not what they mean, but it is pretty funny right?) 

Not to mention thanks to Alvin Jaegar (for once) the Secretary of State and it's website is good for something....outlining Sand's lackluster campaign record! Let's take a trip down memory lane:

2000 - Senate against our homeboy Conrad 

2004 - Against Earl the Pearl Pomeroy

2008 - Because it wasn't bad enough the first time.

So let's look at is this way 2000, 2004, 2008 - all presidential years. I hate to tell you Mr. Sand, riding the coattail of republicans on a national level hasn't helped you even in the most promising of years for you. Not to mention you are now taking on the establishment in your own party. I mean best of luck to you because I would love to see you both dismantle each other and you leave a chink in Rick Berg's armor so ND Democrats can officially retire him from politics.

Oh I forget, he is endorsed by Sharon Angle. Who can forget that political treat? So does this mean Sand is a tea party candidate now? Well let's check our standard tea party candidate requirement list:

Whelp, congratulations Duane. You win this....and at least and something for once.

Good luck.

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