Sunday, October 9, 2011

She Says She Shells By The Sea Shore

SOOOO in thumbing through the Fargo Forum today, I ran across a big advertisement featuring the face of First Lady...excuse me Former First Lady of North Dakota Mikey Hoeven. I forget sometimes that we have a new Governor....The advertisement read -

"What do you do when life challenges your faith?"


Which gets me all excited because I am hoping that every time I open up a newspaper I hope to hear Mikey remind me that I am one of her kids and that I should stay off of drugs and alcohol if I am not 21 (ironic huh?). Ok, ok, I am not so delusional and I know that means that she will be writing for the SheSays section in the Fargo Forum meant to inspire women in Fargo/Moorhead and BEYOND! I am not saying that she will be writing about conservative politics (because that would actually require her to know something about politics that doesn't involve smiling and waving) but isn't this a little bit unfair because it does by default give additional exposure to Governor...(dammit excuse me) SENATOR Hoeven? My mind continues to be boggled because the Fargo Forum is the shining beacon for fairness in this political world.....wait nevermind, that is completely wrong.

Just another way that the Senator Hoeven can get some additional spotlight and adoration for being absolutely worthless.

PS - I am actually kinda curious to hear what she advices North Dakota women to do when life challenges their faith....because I'm sure not all North Dakota women can sprinkle a million dollars on the problem to make it go away.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11.10.11

    Why is it helpful to spread more anger/spitefulness?

    It doesn't take "balls" to be angry, everyone is. It just takes a little effort to write it down.

    This could have some potential, but if it is just anger that you spew onto the page it won't change anything.

    I mean think of your focus - it is on conservative politicians. You are creating a false dichotomy. "You can pick either A or B." What is the purpose of just ranting about "B?"
