Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Jimmy Rigged

Epic Fail.

Republican Jim Lee who is a former candidate for state ag commissioner, ward county commissioner, and farmer from Max - made a case yesterday in Bismarck to increase the number of legislative districts.

Lee wants to see the number of legislative districts go from 47 to 54. His rationale being that that the increase in districts would diminish the impact seen on re-districting rural areas.

The reaction?

Very cold. North Dakota winter cold.

Chairman of the Legislature's re-districting committee and Republican Ray Holmberg waived his sassy little finger from side to side with his hand on his hip while saying "nuh-uh I don't think so girl". It didn't go quite like that but in my mind I like to cast Ray Holmberg as that sassy supporting actor who can't muster enough spotlight to take the lead role. Holmberg has stated that the panel will not recommend the addition of districts.

Funny to think that republicans don't want to see more republicans added to the legislature. That is also assuming that republicans would have been elected in those new districts.

All I have to say is "get it Holmberg" (snaps finger).

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