Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Stuck between Berg and a Sand Place

Not since the release of Catwoman and Rush Hour 3 have I never been so...unexcited for a movie in my entire life. OH! I get it. Duane Sand's first political advertisement is meant to look like a movie for a trailer. That's a relief because if it was a movie, I would have assumed it's sequel would be a straight to DVD release.

8/8/11 was the launch date and it is still the feature on the main page of his website and the only upload on his youtube channel. Has Duane run out of a little bit of creativity?

I will give him this - he is trading good barbs with Rick Berg. He also threw out the only hail mary that he has which is that Berg is the the only Republican seeking a seat in the Senate that voted yes for Obama's debt deal. Hard to believe, but I don't think that that singular vote is going to be detrimental to Berg as Pomeroy's vote for health care. Sand has also called Berg a "big-spending candidate" who doesn't deserve a promotion to the Senate. It's like high school, but way less interesting.

So I got Duane's side of the story and to be fair I wanted to hear Rick's. So in visiting Rick Berg's campaign website I didn't find a response. I assume that Berg will follow in Hoeven's footsteps and duck and dodge like he did with Mathern (Governor's Race in 2008) and Potter (Senate Race in 2010). In all actuality Hoeven (at the time) and Berg isn't really hurting enough to respond. Although, I did not find Rick Berg's proverbial "b*tch please" response, I did find little diddy:

Rick Berg does not live by the North Dakota way, I am not even sure if I do. But I haven't seen substantial change from him and his comrades that were ushered through in 2010 nor have I heard barely anything come out of his mouth that didn't include the words spending or Obamacare.

His hot button words and ploys worked for North Dakota voters in 2010, with Heidi Heitkamp waiting in the wings he will have to come up with something better for 2012.

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